Note: This page is being reorganized. The list of camps has been moved elsewhere. I've added a list of places where one can study improvisational theater (also elsewhere), which will provide one with skills which will prove useful for those who wish to make performance a part of their camp. If you really want to create a fully interactive environment and give it a little soul, you really have to include the people at your camp as part of the environment you're creating. What is called for is a little theater - improvisational theatre, because you never know what a visitor is going to do, and you're going to have to fit it in to whatever your doing.
Which is cooler - a lost Pre-Mayan civilization populated by lost Pre-Mayans or one populated by 2lst century Americans, to take a (sort of) local example? Developing these skills can add a lot to the experience of your camp, and I think you'll find that you're having a lot of fun along the way.
The big multi-media arts festival in Wicker Park. See it before "gentrification" does it in? Let's hope that won't be for a while.
Note : This is not just a place to visit. Part of the event takes place in the (somewhat) large triangular park that gives Wicker Park, the neighborhood, its name. Unfortunately, much of that park has been "improved" (turned into a baseball diamond) but there still is some empty space in there that is still open to general use by the general public. Theatrical performances have been held out there, and there might still be space for a small camp or two. (You would list it under "performance").
Generally, the summer festival takes place about a week after Burning Man. There is also a winter event.
A little piece of the Burning Man here in Chicago, God willing. "A YMCA for the arts".
Networking organization for the visual arts in Chicago
Offer classes in film making, show films. The classes do tend to be expensive, though.
Entertainment, the arts, festivals ... the good part of major city life. Also known as :
Note the change in url : according to the site owner, his original url was hijacked by a pack of cyberpirates located in Hong Kong (a notorious safe haven for variety of online thieves). He probably won't be getting his old url back any time soon if he is telling the truth. (He appears to be, judging from the bug-eyed ticket logo that is familiar from a number of other surprisingly reallocated domains, such as and, one of Internet Trash's former domain names; and from the results of a "whois" search).
Local literary events
A not-for-profit arts center, with focusing on literature, and its interaction with other art forms
Owmyeye is the film company of Joe Winston, who produced "Burning Man : Just add couches" and "This week in Joe's Basement".
Literary organization, holds reading series
For the enjoyment of strange films. "Quality is no object".
"Burning art today, for a better tomorrow". Fire arts.
Civilized Explorer's Guide to Burning Man :
General useful information about the experience, with a few photos to round things out.
Invasion from the Dark Side (Copy in Internet Archive) :
The bad news is, we're all going to Hell. The good news is that we're apparently looking forward to it, so I guess it all works out anyway. Are these people serious? They seem to be, but read and judge for yourself and then rejoin the rest of us back in reality, unless you're in the mood for a second serving of this dreck.
Homepage for the radio station for Black Rock City, the city that is created and disassembled each year for the Burning Man festival.
The Unofficial Midwestern Burning Man Rideboard (bm-rides)
Maybe not the most entertaining link on this page, but one which I hope you will find useful. BM-Rides is a list for Midwesterners seeking rides to burns, those seeking riders in the Midwest, and for those sharing experiences and advice regarding travel through our region enroute to these events.
If you'd like to find a (blessedly brief) list of things I'm either warning local burners to avoid, or aren't too sure about, click here. Now, where were you before you came to this page? Or where would you like to go?